On her way to school one day, Suzume Iwato meets a young man named Souta Munakata who is exploring abandoned places. Studying the nearby ruins, the high school student guides Souta to the location but out of pure curiosity he can’t stop himself from exploring. Inside, he finds a locked door that reveals a transcendent world beyond. Unable to enter this alternate universe, however, he returns to school after discovering a key to a nearby rock that turns out to be a cat, running to touch it and not until he leaves the door open does he realize it what it means. This one mistake opens the "Keystone", stops evil and allows him to destroy Japan. Determined to right her great wrong, Suzume closes every open door with Souta as she aims to stop evil from spreading throughout the worldOn her way to school one day, Suzume Iwato meets a young man named Souta Munakata who is exploring abandoned places. Studying the nearby ruins, the high school student guides Souta to the location but out of pure curiosity he can’t stop himself from exploring. Inside, he finds a locked door that reveals a transcendent world beyond. Unable to enter this alternate universe, however, he returns to school after discovering a key to a nearby rock that turns out to be a cat, running to touch it and not until he leaves the door open does he realize it what it means. This one mistake opens the "Keystone", stops evil and allows him to destroy Japan. Determined to right her great wrong, Suzume closes every open door with Souta as she aims to stop evil from spreading throughout the world..
Suzume (Dub)