High school girl Mitsuha Miyamizu longs to live the life of a boy in bustling Tokyo—a dream that matches her current life in the slums where she now lives a busy life as a student of Taki Tachibana High School in the city while doing his part-time job conflicts and hopes for a future in construction One day Mitsuha wakes up in a room that doesn’t belong to her and is suddenly living her dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki’s body! Elsewhere, Taki lives Mitsuha’s life in a simple rural area. Searching for answers to this phenomenon, they begin to search for each other. Kimi no or not. It centers around the actions of Mitsuha and Taki, which begins to have a profound effect on each other’s lives, weaving them into a tapestry held together by fate and circumstance.
Your Name (Dub)